Berry Bounty Farms is a family owned and operated berry farm located in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, one hour east of Vancouver. Surrounded by mountains, the Fraser Valley is home to many farms, ours included. The farm has been in the family for four generations and currently has 17 acres of raspberries and 20 acres of blueberries. 2023 was a year of change for the farm. After years of 4 couples working together to run the berry operation in the summers, Brian and Leanne Maljaars purchased the business with the goal to continue to serve customers and keep Berry Bounty Farms a family farm.
Our store has a self-serve vending system open Monday to Saturday year round and stocked with free-range, golden yolked eggs, frozen fruit, jam and juice. Our seasonal roadside berry stand runs daily (except Sundays) in June/July/August (seasonal dates vary).
Finding us:
We are located at 48260 Chilliwack Central road in Chilliwack, BC. Use the interactive map to zoom in to our location.
Sustainable Farming:
Our farm has been in the family for more than 60 years, and we believe in sustainable farming practices. Here are the highlights of our policies:
- We do an absolute minimum of spraying. Berry Bounty started as a no-spray operation, but we did not find that to be sustainable.
- We use precise amounts and timing of sprays to reduce pesticide use.
- We exceed minimum pre-harvest intervals to ensure negligible residues at harvest.
- We ourselves eat straight from the bushes and gently wash our blueberries before freezing.
Our farm adheres to the province of BC and Canada's requirements for the application of agricultural chemicals. We want to protect the health and safety of our family, our visitors, and our customers!